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Sunday, September 21, 2008

gAnGsTa PaRtY!!

Ok so this weekend i went to the coolest and tightest and sweetest party ever!! My friend Jarica turned 14 and she had a gangsta party. In order to get into her party you had to be dressed like a gangsta (which that rule wasnt very inforced...haha) but i looked so gangsta it was so cool. I had corn rows, and tear drops and i sweet shirt too. Here are some pictures of me and jarica in our sweet outfits.
Also, she had that party at our dance studio. There were glow sticks everywhere, a D.J., and we even watched a movie on a projector in one of the rooms! it was so so so fun! Thanks for invitin me girl, Cant wait to see what you come up with next year!!

so yeah this is me as a gangsta! isnt my shirt the coolest!? haha

and here is a close up on me so u can see my corn rows! :)

and this is jarica the birthday girl. her outfit was amazing ha


Anonymous said...

Hey girl, that's so freaking tight! I love dressing up as a gangster. It's the coolest thing ever. I do have to say that you look like a real g-unit! Ha, Love ya girl!


Heidi-Ho said...

yeah i was like the coolest person there no joke haha i loved it and my shirt is so freakin amazin dont ya think!? i am pretty much gonna wear it to school sometime fo sho haha

Jaylee said...

you totally need to wear it to school heidi! That would be way cool!

Heidi-Ho said...

oh i no i seriously want to but my mom was like no cause she thinks its to ghetto haha!

~.:(ChLoE):.~ said...

k well heidi, personally i think your a tard. but i still luv ya! and of course i luv the shirt. i just think its lame. haha. that makes no sense. oh well. i never do. so you told me to leave you a really long comment, so i am. um im just gonna bable! so i want you to check out my blog too. no one ever does. so you better. otherwhise i won't pick you for the friendship basket. haha. i wont anyways. im gonna give it to a miamade. i wonder if you can guess who?! haha. probably not. you'll just have to wait and see. so my favorite color right now is yellow. all though i luv blue. and i dont look that wonderful in yellow. its just so happy! i love it! um.... im not likin anyone right now. haha. and no, i dont like bridger, very much. actually i hate is guts. and he hates me too. so we're even. um...... my favorite letter is Q. its a freakin sweet letter. idk why i like it, but i do. and um.... i think you should wear your gangsta shirt to school. ryan would be jealous he doesnt have a sweet shirt like that. and um.... i luv your guts! and i luv your guts. and i luv your guts. and i luv you! my favorite class is definatly german. its an awesome class. i luv the teacher!! and the pupils in it! haha. um... fav food is steak and potatoes. luv orange juice. i dont drink soda. i luv JCWs. its da bom! haha. i looked freakin hott today at church. haha. jk jk jk!! my bf is like..... everyone! i luv all of my friends. well most of them. some of them drive me crazy. <---- if you know who im talking about. probaly not. cuz the arrow will show up in the wrong place. so whoever it shows up on, i love you!!!! so much! i luv the fall. the colors are so dang pretty. i cant wait for halloween. im gonna be a sweet ladybug. and i know you think its lame, but i dont really care. what are you gonna be missy? a gangsta?! you already have all the stuff for it. and atleast you know one person would dig it. josh. haha. k ill be quiet now. so my favorite movie of all time in pride and prejudice. luv it. its so cute. and i luv notting hill. classic! and i luv the office. its so funny. and i luv lost. its way confusing but i luv it anyway. ya can you tell i luv a lot of things?? well i do. i think my cousins are really retarded. they are so lame its not even funny. and you drive me crzy! haha jk! but i luv you so much! everone hates my guts. and im ok with that! um....... i luv it when it rains. it just smells so good and it just feels so clean. and i luv the tempature it leave behind. its just so fally!!! i luv it!! im on my pointe shoes right now cuz they're freakin lame. they are like too big or something. so i need to fix them. but my mutti wont let me get new ones right now. but im getting them soon. i cant wait for new york. its gonna be so much fun! you sould come with us! that would be a blast! 1600 baby! just 103 more days!
so i think your getting a little impatient on msn, so ill go ahead and submit it now!1 luv ya tonz! im looosing it!!! ahahahahha!!!!!klasfioa woiawbeioosghoaeihsdguoh sehsoeojs gdsfilglsdf
oh wow! too much coffee!
